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Pray for Turkey and Syria

The ICSU Community have rallied together to raise funds in the wake of the tragic earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria earlier this month. Led by the NHS students from March 15 to April 15, the National Honour Society will host a month long fundraiser with the aim of donating money to humanitarian support teams located in Turkey and Syria. This fundraiser particularly excites students because the class with the most amount of coins will win a food party.

During chapel, NHS president Lucy B encouraged students and staff to participate in this fundraiser. "It is important for ICSU to assist the international community," she said. "The money raised will help people and that is the spirit of our school, to help and to be kind."

The NHS also announced a bake sale for the purpose of funding the food party.

"In this bake sale, the NHS will sell cookies, mini pastries, and egg tarts for students from K to 12 to enjoy after their lunch," Lucy said.

The Turkey and Syria Earthquake is a humanitarian crisis in which about 40,000 residents have been brutally killed. As a member of an international community, NHS encourages the ICSU families to send a supporting hand.

If you would like to donate please email ICSU at

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