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Q&A with Mr Bermudez by Gary K.

Mr Bermudez, school counsellor and AP Psych teacher sat down with journalism student Gary K and had a heart to heart.

What made you work at ICSU?

The Lord called me and my wife to be in ICSU this year. There’s so many challenges coming here but He made a way.

What do you like about ICSU?

The students are well behaved and attentive. Hardworking and persistent; respectful and warm. The school is small and easy to navigate and fairly accessible.

What do you hope for from ICSU students?

I hope students will be successful in their chosen field. That they would love what their calling is, serve the Lord and their community, but more than anything, to love with all their heart, body, minds, and strength.

I heard that you worked at 11 different schools what made you work at that many schools?

I chase challenging, rewarding and meaningful work.

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